Understanding the importance of Mother’s Day Mother’s Day is a significant occasion that provides an opportunity for individuals to express their gratitude and love for their mothers. It is a day dedicated to honouring the tireless efforts that mothers put into nurturing their children and families. Celebrated in many countries across the globe, this special day fosters compassion and appreciation. The history of Mother’s Day The origins of Mother’s Day can be traced back to ancient civilisations. The Ancient Greeks held festivals to honour Rhea, the mother of the gods. Similarly, the Romans celebrated a spring festival called Hilaria, which was dedicated to Cybele, the mother of gods. In more recent times, Mother’s Day gained popularity in America through the efforts of Anna Jarvis in the early 20th century. She campaigned for a day dedicated to the celebration of mothers after her own mother’s passing. The first official Mother’s Day was observed in 1908, and it became an official holiday in 1914, spreading joy and recognition for mothers everywhere. Why we celebrate Mother’s Day We celebrate Mother’s Day to acknowledge the invaluable roles that mothers play in our lives. It is a time to reflect on their unwavering support, love,…